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Power Bridge is a Blancco (Data Erasure Software) Partner and provides comprehensive data security solutions for all small and large Enterprises. Talk to our technical expert to learn more

Why Choose Blancco for Data Erasure

Blancco provides the most rigorously tested, approved, recommended, and certified data erasure solutions worldwide. The effectiveness of these solutions ensures that organizations can protect their data, comply with regulations, and transition to a circular economy with ease. Blancco’s software has been tested and approved by leading industry and government organizations across the globe.



STQC (Standardization Testing & Quality Certification)

Blancco Drive Eraser is certified by STQC based on successful secure, functional test runs, and is the first Blancco product to receive approval and certification by the Indian government.


ADISA Certification

The ADISA Research Centre is the test laboratory operated by ADISA Certification Limited where software overwriting products can have claims made about their effectiveness verified. Blancco’s SSD Erasure Method passed tests against ADISA Test Level I (attack using standard COTS forensic tools and techniques) and Test Level II (attack using standard intrusive/destructive testing tools designed to read data directly off of a chip) testing.


Certified for Common Criteria (ISO 15408) 

Common Criteria is an internationally recognized independent security certification recognized by governments in 31 countries across Europe, Australasia, Asia and North America. Blancco Drive Eraser 6.9.1, Blancco Drive Eraser 7.3.1 and Blancco File Eraser 8.2 are all Common Criteria certified.

Blancco Data Erasure Use Cases

Blancco provides secure and compliant data erasure software that enables enterprises and businesses of all sizes to erase data from active environments and used IT assets while adhering to the accepted data erasure standards.

Data Erasure for EUC devices (Laptop & Desktop)

Ensure effective data sanitization of individual IT assets such as laptops and desktops (both Mac and PC), before redeployment, tech refresh, or re-sale/recycling.

Data Erasure for Cloud Migration

Secure data erasure of redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT) data from the servers/ cloud instances ensures critical data security of the business.

Data Erasure for Data Center Equipment

Incorporate data erasure into your management process and keep control over your sensitive data assets until your servers or storage have been decommissioned.

Data Erasure for Mobility devices (Mobile & Tablet)

Securely Diagnose and erase critical enterprise data from high volumes of mobile and tablet devices deployed at the organization before resale, repair or recycling.

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End User Computing & Accessories

Audio & Video Solutions -  Data Center

IT Consulting - Software & SaaS Applications

IT & AV Managed Services - Asset Recovery 

Let's Get Started 

Get in touch with our experts to find the best solution for your Data Security.

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